How To Refund An Order EPoS

This article will outline how to refund an order on an EPoS terminal.

First, head to your EPoS device and make sure you're on the main ordering screen.

Next, tap the arrow in the top left corner to open the left sidebar.

From there, select “Transactions.”

Find the transaction you want to refund.

Then press “Refund” in the bottom right corner.

For a full refund, just tap “Refund All.” If it’s a partial refund, go through the items and select what you need to refund. Once you’ve picked a reason for the refund, hit “Confirm.”

Now, you'll need to manually enter the refund amount (it will show you how much to refund). 

After typing it in, press “Confirm.”

If you'd like to enter guest info, you can do that now, or just press “Skip.” This will print a refund receipt for both you and the customer.