How do I Power On/ Off the Butler Bot W3?

Powering the Butler Bot W3 On/Off

  • The power switch is located between the robot chassis and the main body. It is on the left side when you are facing the robot. See below for referrence.


W3 power button


  • The blue light strip in-between the gap where the laser is located will be lit up. Please wait for about 40 seconds for the system to boot and be ready for operation.
  • Once powered On, the boot logo, PEANUT animation and Android OS will be displayed. This process will usually take 40 seconds. 
  • The PEANUT app will launched automatically upon start. If the PEANUT app doesn't launch, tap the PEANUT app icon (see below) from the Android OS environment to launch the app. 

peanut app-1


  • Power off the robot in the same way. The robot will be disconnected from the power supply immediately when the power switch is turned off.


NOTE: When the user needs to move the robot, please turn off the power first.


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