How to add and manage a Membership Discount

This article will explain how to add and manage a membership discount

1. In the back office, click CRM on the left hand navigation bar


2. Click on Membership Discount

CRM - Membership Discount

3. To add a new Membership Discount, click Add New

CRM - Membership Discount - Add New

4. Enter the Discount Name and either Amount Discounted (£) or Percentage Discounted (%)

CRM - Membership Discount - Add a Discount

5. To manage a previous discount choose one of the Actions

When on the Membership Discount click on an Action to do the following:

CRM - Membership Discount - Action


Click the Green Pencil to rename the Discount

CRM - Membership Discount - Green Pencil

Click the Blue Cog to Edit Discount Price

CRM - Membership Discount - Blue Cog

Click the Red Bin to delete the Discount

CRM - Membership Discount - Red Bin