How to activate the Walk In Takeaway mode.

Streamlining Order References

The walk-in takeaway mode offers a convenient solution to automatically attach order references to receipts, eliminating the need for manual transcription and saving valuable time during busy shifts.

Below is an example of how the order number appears for the customer:


To activate this feature on your terminal, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the "More" option and then navigate to "Settings" in the sidebar.WeChatWorkScreenshot_2aefc651-a745-4821-9cbe-e090d6809d97

  2. In the settings menu, select "System Settings" and enter the password, which is "8861".s3

  3. Once in the system settings, click on "Operation Mode" and ensure that "Quick Service" is enabled. You'll then find the option for "Walk-in Takeaway"; toggle it on and return to your ordering screen.s4s5

  4. Going forward, any orders made in this mode will automatically have an order reference attached.s6

If you require any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at