Changing Price

This article will show you how to change the price of menu items through the Terminal (Product Control) and HQ.

HQ - Menu Items.

HQ - Menu Category.

HQ - Menu Items (Quick)


To change the price of items, first go to "Product Control" on the left side bar.

Once you are in the "Product Control" screen, click on the green pencil icon (Edit)

Once the item pops up on the screen, click on the price.

From here, you can change the price of the item to whatever you want to.

HQ - Menu Items

Go to SPARK HQ and login.
Once you are logged in, head to "Menu Management".

After, click on "All Menu Items

Then find the item you are looking for either by scrolling or using the search bar and then click the green pencil icon.

You can now edit the price of an item.


HQ - Menu Category

Login to SPARK HQ 

Once in, go to "Menu Management"

Then head over to "All Categories"

Then locate the category of items you want to edit and press the blue icon.

Now you can see all the menu items in that category and to edit the prices of them, click on the green icon.


HQ - Menu Items (Quick)

Login to SPARK HQ

Once in, go to "Menu Management"

Then click on "All Menu Items"

Then you can click on the price of items on the screen and change them from the Menu Item screen instead of going into each specific item to change it from there.